The delicate, suggestively cinematic and ambient-like aura of Giannico’s music easily fit the microgenres and stylistic belonging of this label whose objective is to promote soothing electronica with a vaporous film-noir slow pace. (IglooMagazine)
Destroyed by Madness
Unknown Tone Records 2020released February 26, 2020All Sounds + Production | Francesco Giannico
Album Photo Cover by Michele Maglio | Model: Carolina Ventura CreditsThanks to Elena and Leonardo
Destroyed by Madness, is an homage to “The Howl” by Allen Ginsberg as you can read from the title of the album and titles of the tracks too; they are basically short excerpts from his famous work. The album was created using samples captured from various real life situations and encounters, above all from a social point of view and for this reason it intends to pay homage to all women, men and children underrepresented and outcast in this materialistic era which Ginsberg wrote so passionately about in “Howl” (1954-1955).
One should not seek to find a direct correlation between A.Ginsberg and this musical work. What the artist suggests here, is a cerebral notion that finds its roots in the selection process of audio samples and in the overall mood of production in the entire work.
(IT) Con inattesa coerenza ci si trova così a navigare tra correnti neoclassiche guidate dalla voce del pianoforte finemente screziata da interpolazioni elettroniche (“Best Minds Of My Generation”, “Hysterical Nacked”), atmosferiche distese scandite da placidi riverberi chitarristici e granulose frequenze sintetiche (“Starry Dynamo”, “Floating Across The Tops Of Cities”), fino ad approdare a onirici territori pervasi da luminosi echi post-rock (“The Madman Bum”), sempre sospinti da una ruvida brezza di indissolubile inquietudine.(Ondarock)
(IT) Delicati frammenti pianistici e riverberi dal calore avvolgente pervadono infatti interamente gli spazi sonori di “Destroyed By Madness”, donandovi contenuti di profonda empatia, che sfociano a tratti in spunti di sorprendente romanticismo. (MusicWontsaveyou)